
As a busy volunteer and dedicated grandson, 尼尔。 needed an alternative school solution to support his future of joining the family business. Connections Academy’s flexible schedule and curriculum offered him the school experience he needed to create the future he wanted.

Connections Academy student 尼尔。 working as an electrical contractor.




  • 7:30 a.m. — Eat breakfast and prepare for the day
  • 8:30 a.m. — Work on a community service project

  • 12:30 p.m. -帮奶奶做家务

  • 3:00 p.m. — Log in to Pearson Online Classroom and work on lessons 

  • 7:00 p.m. -晚餐愉快

  • 8:00 p.m. — Finish lessons and review upcoming assignments 


Preparing to Join the Family Business

The son of an electrical contractor, 尼尔。 had already made plans to join the family business. Besides being one of the highest-paid skilled trades, electrical work also presented him with the opportunity to travel the world and work in many foreign countries.

In addition to preparing for his career, 尼尔。 had other responsibilities. Helping his grandmother with daily chores, 兼职工作, and volunteering in his community kept this outgoing teen more than busy. 在考虑在线学校时, 尼尔。 and his family really liked the idea of having more flexibility in his schedule. The family also liked the fact that they would have more involvement in 尼尔。’s social environment during his critical, 成长的岁月.


An Online Education Like No Other

After his sixth-grade year, 尼尔。’s family enrolled him in Connections Academy. From day one, they knew it was the right decision. The Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses were what 尼尔。 needed to prepare for his future in the family business.

The classroom setting was also exactly the environment he was looking for. 在线学习门户网站, 老师, and structure of Connections Academy’s online courses made it easy for him to stay organized and on track.

尼尔。 was happy that he could attend school in the mornings, 下午, or even while he was on vacation. It allowed him the freedom to work part time, as well as volunteer in the community, which gave him a huge advantage heading out into the world after graduation.


“While it’s true that most online programs offer similar flexibility, none compared to how easy Connections Academy’s online classroom was to use and how effortless it was to stay organized, especially when it came to keeping up with specific courses and making as wise a use of time as possible.” 


为了尼尔和他的家人, Connections Academy was everything they could have asked for from an online education. Now he’s better able to take on the family business and the world!

  • 调度的需求
汉娜 smiling at a doctor's office


  • 先进的学习者
麦迪逊 holding a robot she created for a STEM project


  • 安全的环境
莎拉 smiling while sitting outside


  • 追求的激情
Kalimah smiling and showing her lipgloss


  • 职业准备
尼尔。 participating in a construction project


  • 自主学习过渡
利昂 smiling and holding his violin


  • 学习需要
康纳 wearing his baseball uniform


  • 灵活性的需求


  • 大学预科


